Hódmezővásárhely Cultural Center
name of work: Hódmezővásárhely Cultural Center
year of design/realization: 2007/2012
area:13.870 m2
landscape architects: Árpád Kovács, Katalin Lukács, Dorottya Thurnay, Dominika Tihanyi
contractor: Schmidtgép Kft.
As a part of the Tornyai János Cultural Urban rehabilitation program our planning task was to create the surroundings of the institutional and residential buildings in the quarter. Indeed the inner city has taken up a new look that aims to draw tourists and young people to the city.
The area can be divided into two main parts: the dr. Rapcsák András Street with the surroundings of the Tornyai János Museum and the two institutional buildings of the Bessenyei Ferenc Cultural Center and a greek-catholic church. According to the concept of the Cultural Center, the surroundings of the monument buildings would be created as one coherent system, in this way enables the possibility to define them as one complex.
The new promenade and the surroundings of the Cultural Center aim to give space for everyday life, for spending quality time in public space, so as to inspire new investments and further developments to rise.