Wind blown quotations

name of intervention: Wind Blown Quotations  
location: Budapest    
year of  design / realization: 2008                    
authors: Dominika  Tihanyi, BME university students: Bali Zoltán, Ferenczi Zsófia, Hüttl Sarolta, Konrád József, Moorsel Adrián,  Nagy Zoltán, Ober Márton, Sasvári Áron, Soltész Judit, Szöke Márk

The aim of the second asphalt painting project was to draw attention to the fact that all streets of Palota Quarter bear the names of famous writers and poets. Hence quotations of the well-known Hungarian writer, Gyula Krúdy were randomly painted on the surface of the asphalt.

The quotations of the well-known Hungarian writer, Gyula Krúdy that were in contextual connection with Pest were randomly painted on the surface of the asphalt in and around Krúdy Gyula Street. The quotations made people stop to read them and wonder about them, evoking talks in local groceries and blogs.

The project tried to imply that the world of literature could give base to a unique identity to the area: bookstores and cafés acting as cultural scenes, 19th c. The aim of the second asphalt painting project developed in Palota Quarter was to draw attention to the streets bearing names of famous writers and poets.